Essay On The Silk Road

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The Silk Road and Cultural Exchange goes way back to the ancient times. The Silk Road was established during the Han Dynasty of China. The Silk Road was a network of trade routes it had two routes that were explored by many people whose journey was to central Asia to the Eastern Mediterranean or central Asia to China. Many places have traveled through a famous trade route called the “cultural bridge”. The Silk Road wasn’t just a channel for merchants to sell, share and trade ideas, clothing and recipes. The Silk Road was a transportation from the East and West. Merchants has changed the world more than political or religious leaders. The silk road changed the lives of people who lived in Africa and Eurasia. The silk road was an overland route where merchants carried goods for trade. The silk road also has a sea route so along the coast of many destinations. The silk road began with the han dynasty. Buddhism was a cultural exchange along the asian silk road. The transmission of Buddhism from India to China (and from there to Korea and Japan) was probably the most momentous of the cultural exchanges that took place along the Silk Road. And that brought India by many …show more content…

Monks who live in the monasteries would pray for success of trade missions and the health of their patrons. One of the central materials used in Mahayana Buddhist trials is silk. Many monks wore silk. Another reason why the silk road has changed our lives world-wide was the spread of disease population. Measles and smallpox traveled along it, also bubonic plague which designated from the East to the West in the year of 1346. A well known plague that killed many was the Black Death, it killed nearly half of the European in a four-year period. A majority of Italy died as so two-thirds of Londoners. It wouldn't have occurred if the Silk Road was

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