Essay On The Pros And Cons Of World War In Ww1

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As the world is in a conflict, the United States didn’t know whether to enter the war, or to stay neutral. There are many pros and cons to the situation of war. Good things and bad things come out of war; Shaped by nationalism and pride, the US had a big decision on their hands as to whether or not enter what would now today be known as the Great War. One pro to entering WWI was that the Germans could now be stopped for what they were doing. After the Lusitania was sunk, and hundreds of American’s lives were lost, America had really no other choice but to go in and stop the Germans on their massive tirade. Along with the Zimmerman telegram telling Mexico to invade the United States, American needed to enter the war to shut down this German onslaught. Another pro is that the United States could possibly gain land by entering the war. Luckily enough for them, they were able to gain land. In 1917 America purchased the Virgin Islands. With the US and other countries gaining land, they were able to set up things such as military bases in this new land they obtained. This also h...

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