Essay On The Memphis Race Riot

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The Memphis Race Riot of 1866 was one of the most horrific and terrifying events that Memphis, Tennessee has ever seen in the city’s history. You may be wondering what could have caused something so tragic and terrible to happen to such a small town, but there is only one answer; hatred. Hatred is one of the many things that fueled the fire to start the biggest race riot to ever take place in Memphis, Tennessee. Hatred is the one thing that all of those people had to feel to be so cruel to another human being without a care in the world. But that hatred had to start from somewhere and that somewhere was on a street on May 1, 1866. The day before the riots started, April 30, 1866, rumors had been spread among the white community that African Americans were planning some type …show more content…

Police and firefighter made up thirty-four percent of the attackers, small business owners made up twenty-eight percent, clerks made up to ten percent, artisans made up ten percent as well, and the last six percent of the attackers were city officials. (“Memphis Riots of 1866” 2015). There was also regular citizens who joined in and helped attack and tried to drive the African American community out of the city. Lovett (2009) went on to say that there were also a few white Irish Memphians who joined in the riots to drive out the black community because they felt like they deserved to leave because ever since the slaves were freed in 1863, the Irish Memphians felt like the black community was taking too many of their jobs and putting them out work. Therefor giving the Irish Memphians a reason to join in on one of the most horrific events that was to take place in Memphis, Tennessee. Lovett (2009) then explains that some of the citizens who were rioting wanted revenge for the Union Occupation. Some rioters were still bothered by the fact that they were former slaves who free and now demanding equal

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