Essay On The Mayan Flood Myth

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On the Noah flood myth from Genesis and the Mayan flood myth from Popol-Vuh are similar because in both myths the creator in not happy how human kind trend out. On the story about Noah people were doing things that they were not supposed to be doing so god was not very happy on how things were going so out of all people he chooses Noah and he told now that he had to do and how he had to do the ark with had much room and he had seven days to make the ark and gather male and female of every living animal and put them in the ark a because after the seven days every living thing on earth would die. Now on the Mayans myth that was something different then the Noah myth. On the Mayans myth god would create people out of anything he first had created …show more content…

In the Bumba creation myth it starts with nothing but water in the darkness and Bumba was alone and nothing else. Everything started with “One day Bumba was in terrible pain. He retched and strained and vomited up the sun. After that, light spread over everything. Bumba vomited up the moon and then the stars, and after that the night had it light also” (Bumba’s 35). In this myth, the creator Bumba starts life be vomiting the sun, moon, and stars which its every odd to hear. In other myths, we get to read on how a creator or a god starts life by just making to sun or moon they never vomited nothing like in the Talmudic Lilith god starts the creation of life form scratch “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, let there be light: and there was light” (Genesis 20). In this myth, we get to read on how God creates heaven and earth without vomiting nothing he just started life but it’s all different in the creation of life because those two myths are from different

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