Essay On The Family

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This assignment will look upon whether the family is dying out or whether it is just changing. What is the family? The family is defined differently by many, however it is seen as a social institute, or can be seen as group of people that live together to make what is known to be a family. Liz Burlein (2014) George Peter Murdock defined the family as ‘a social group characterized by common residence, economic cooperation, and reproduction.’ This insists that the family is a unit of people linked economically and biologically. This can be argued as not all families are biologically linked, as at the present time there are different types of families. However Giddens (2007) defines family as a group pf persons directly linked by kin connections, the adult members of which assume responsibility for caring for children. Marxists say that the family are an economic unit, Functionalists think the same but also say that the family provides with basic essentials. The family is what is responsible for primary socialisation. Giddens (2013) Parsons explanation of primary socialisation is the process by which children learn the cultural norms of the society into which they are born. So in other words primary socialisation takes place within the family, this is when children are brought up by older family members and taught norms and values of the society. Marxists argued that the style of production changed in society as well as the family itself. Haralambos (2008) Friedrich Engels, a Marxists believed that the means of production were communally owned and the family did not in that era exist. Family was seen not to exist as in that period rules in society did not apply in terms of sexual relationships, and the family was in fact the socie... ... middle of paper ... ... roles are just changing as back in pre-industrialised times men were the head of the house, the bread winner, and the women stayed at home looked after their children and did household chores, however now women go out to work and are more independent yet they are responsible for all domestic tasks and childcare and emotional work, they are more accepted and appreciated within society as there are now more women in paid work than there ever used to be, and the work within the home are slowly but surely getting shared between everyone within the household. Also the fact that there are diverse types of families, this concludes that roles and responsibilities are changing as different types of families are becoming general. So this suggests that the family is not dying out, it still exists but in a variety of ways and it’s changing in many ways too. Word count – 2862

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