The Bodyguard Research Paper

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Pair one of the best-selling singers of all-time with a strong, silent Hollywood icon and you’ll get a blockbuster oozing with attitude, passion and unforgettable songs.
The Bodyguard soundtrack sold more than 45 million copies worldwide. It was Whitney Houston’s first film role and she smashed it all the way to the box office, Grammys and Oscars. Playing Rachel Marron, a music superstar receiving death threats, she had sass, sweetness and a powerful pack of lungs.
Her bodyguard Frank Farmer was the fair-haired, fine-looking Kevin Costner. He was the man of the moment, securing critical success with Dances with Wolves in 1990, then the epic Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves in 1991 and a year later starred in the highly acclaimed JFK before hitting …show more content…

It’s not love at first sight for the two main characters. Frank, who got his training in the Secret Service, is sought out by Rachel’s manager to protect her. He is reluctant to take on the job seeing Rachel as a spoiled diva naive to the very real threats against her life, while she believes Frank will disrupt her career and frighten her young son, Fletcher (played by DeVaughn …show more content…

He says he ‘can’t protect her like this’ and she hits back, treating him with contempt. Of course it’s impossible to quash the romance between them and a string of fiery and intense drama ensues.
Generally, the film is slow paced, it has its thrills with a letter-writing psycho, jealous sister and some bomb-blasting bits, but it was not an action movie. The focus remains on Frank and Rachel.
It’s actually a welcome relief not to have the cut-camera-every-two-seconds action that seems to feature on all big screens today. You have time to appreciate the post-eighties, shoulder-padded, sequin outfits that Whitney pulls off marvellously in the film and of course her succession of hits from Queen of the Night to I’m Every Woman.
But that’s not to say there aren’t any blow-up-the-set scenes. Without giving it all away, let’s just say it culminates with Rachel, her son, her sister Nicki and Frank at his father’s house in the mountains. They have retreated here for safety, but Rachel’s stalker is very much on their heels and it ends with a final explosive showdown at the

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