Essay On The 1950's

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The 1950’s were a true decade of progress. America were prosperous, and the standard of living increased greatly. This was due to the economy. It had gotten much better now that World War 2 was over. Everyone was happy and everyone had a T.V. in their house. The war was over, and everyone was happy. This general feeling of happiness had not prevailed in America for a long time. More and more people were getting jobs, and more and more people actually could afford jobs and they could also afford houses and other amenities. This proves that the 1950’s were a true decade of progress. The technology in the 1950’s advanced greatly. This allowed for many differences in the economy and progress of the United States. For example, the hydrogen bomb, …show more content…

However, the economic power of America compared to the other countries was staggering. Not only did Americans have more money, they also managed to control the money influx coming in from other countries from trade. Many of the money that they received was from Americans buying products in America, allowing for a better economy. It was mostly in part of the commercials on T.V., such as pudding commercials for JELL-O (Document 9). America’s median income was gradually rising, and even with inflation, many people’s salaries got larger (Document 10). The economy, overall, increased by 37% in the 1950’s ( and due to President Eisenhower’s changes to reform America’s economy, the inflation crisis from the end of WW2 no longer affected America's economy. Therefore, America was able to economically improve during the 1950’s. So as some people might say that America went nowhere during the 1950’s as a result of the economic crisis, those few people would be wrong. America’s economy did nothing but gradually improve, and people in America got higher salaries and the inflation percentage dropped and everything was almost back to normal again, except

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