Essay On Texting And Driving

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Put the Phone Down. The Call or Text Message Can Wait. There are many social problems that occur in America in today’s society. For instance, cell phone use and driving has become a huge problem in our country today, and the usage of cell phones has become more and more popular in today’s society in our country. The major problem with this issue of cell phone use and driving is that there are people out there that will take that huge risk to use their phone and drive at the same time. Not only is the driver putting their lives at risk, they are also endangering others around them and putting their life on the line. Just by putting their phones down, the driver will be more likely to prevent serious injuries, accidents, or deaths from occurring. …show more content…

In fact, according to the National Safety Council, cell phone use and driving results in 1.6 million crashes yearly. (“Texting and Driving Accident Statistics”). This is over a million crashes that were caused just from using your cell phone and driving at the same time, therefore making the road more dangerous and putting innocent one’s lives at risk. Likewise, cell phone use and driving has proved to be correlated with deadly and serious car crashes. According to Woody (2015), more than a quarter of vehicle collisions are shown to be due to the driving using his or her cell phone. This issue has also increased at a higher rate in more recent years, as the Nation Safety Council researched that the rate of car collisions through texting increased by six percent in 2013. Through the issue of texting and driving, the NBC also showed that even though talking on a cell phone caused over a million car crashes during 2013, texting was the bigger problem, as it lead to three-hundred and forty-one thousand more car crashes. (Woody, …show more content…

In particular, many states are taking action to put an end to this issue. Seven states have passed laws to prohibit using a handheld cell phone and driving at the same time. Specifically, these states that have ratified these laws are Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, California, Oregon, and Washington. In other words, police officers have the authority to pull somebody over if they are using their cell phone in the state. (Michon, n.d.) This proves that more states are becoming more alert to this social problem and how it can lead to severe consequences, and that they are setting strict laws to encourage drivers to put their phones down. In addition, these laws for these seven states may also motivate drivers to think twice before looking at their cell phone, because this will lead to him or her getting pulled over by a police officer, and the police officer may grant the driver a written warning, a ticket, or more serious consequences. Likewise, statistics prove that thirty-seven states forbid new drivers or teenagers from using their cell phones behind the wheel under all circumstances, and forty-six states have established laws forbidding texting and driving. (Teigen, n.d.) In the long run, it is highly recommended for drivers to use provisions and safety measures behind the wheel with regards to their cell phones. The driver

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