Essay On Teenage Drivers

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The world works in many different ways. The high school students work in many different ways. Being a teen driver myself, I think that eligibility for a driver’s license should be based not only off of driving knowledge and safety, but also off of work ethic. Teenage drivers are all stereotyped into a category of unsafe drivers, because of some of the ignoramus kids who have the privilege of driving, also have the maturity of a child. Society places all teens into the same stereotype when the problem only lies with the less intelligent of the teenagers. An F in a high school class is completely unacceptable and should be treated as such. Being a high school student, I can honestly say that the rigor of classes is an outrageous excuse for a bad academic mark, the reason for the poor achievement is complete laziness and lack of apathy. If playing sports or any other afterschool activities are considered privileged then having a drivers license is also a privileged. (Thesis) I believe that students who are failing their high school classes should have their driver’s license revoked. Driving is a privilege and if one is proven to be irresponsible by not taking care of their school requirements, they should not be able to drive. They are showing that they will not be able to handle themselves on the road. As a result of irresponsible teenage drivers, car accidents are the leading cause of death of the youth. There are many reasons why teenagers are not doing well in school. Peer pressure is one of the biggest factors in teenage lives. Following trends allows us to make friends, and then teens leave comfort on one side and go with the latest fashions. In the end, all they want is to be able to fit in, look cool, look pretty, and be pop... ... middle of paper ... ... extra curricular activities require students to have a certain GPA so this should be true for a potential deadly license. These are things that should be given more responsibility and accountability with them. (Backup) The other half of the coin is that teens are losing all of their incentives. Teens are not allowed to play on any sport teams or do any extra curricular activities. The teens not being able to join any positive activities will get more involved in negative peer pressure.(Backup) The teens that are driving while failing classes should have their driver’s licenses revoked because they don’t seem to understand that driving is a dangerous act and that classroom rules reflect on the driving road. The incentives need to be put in or students will just continues to drive without taking responsibility for not only their future but also for their road life.

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