Peer Pressure in The Crucible

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In 1692 many people died during the Salem witch trials; which were in effected greatly by peer pressure. It started off when the girls of Salem ran off into the night and went dancing in the forest. Then when the girls were caught some of the older girls threatened others and some just had great influence on others. For instance, Abigail started accusing random women of witchcraft and the other girls did it to, just for the excitement. Peer pressure can lead to all sorts of behavior.
As a teenager we are all looking to be accepted by our peers and will do whatever it is they want us to so we can be accepted. That is to say the feeling of needing to be accepted by ones peers is done consciously; the person starts to do what their friends do without thinking about it. (Teen 3) In fact, teens are more likely to be affected by peer pressure because they are trying to figure out who they are. (How 1) Therefore, they see themselves as how their peers would view them so they change to fit their peer’s expectations. (How 1) Secondly, the feeling of needing to rebel and be someone that isn’t who their parents are trying to make them be affects them. (Teen 2) Thus, parents are relied on less and teens are more likely to go to their peers about their problems and what choices to make. (How 1) Also, their brains are not fully matured and teens are less likely to think through their choices thoroughly before doing it. (Teen 6) Lastly, how a child is treated by his peers can affect how they treat others; this can lead them into bullying others who are different. (Teen 3) Consequently this can affect a teen into doing something good or bad; it depends who you surround yourself with.
Peer pressure can affect somebody in many different ways, fr...

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... In addition, you should always stand up for what you believe in and don’t let people try to change your views. (Peer 1) Therefore, learn to say no and find a way to explain why you don’t want to do what they want without causing a commotion. (Peer 1) Lastly, if anything find somebody to talk to if you can’t find the strength yourself to tell anybody no. (Teen 6)
Many of the people in the Salem witch trials fell heavily due to peer pressure and had very sad outcomes. John Proctor or Tituba were judged and were accused of witchcraft due to the fact that people did not like them for being different and doing things outside of society’s rules. John Proctor wouldn’t allow himself to admit to his peer’s lies and died with his pride. However, some characters like Mary Warren were pressured to do the right thing and tell the truth, but chose to let the others get to her.

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