Essay On Soccer Scholarship

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I am going to be a third year student at Harcum next year. I am a first generation college student, my parents nor siblings attended college. I was a member of the women’s soccer team where I was awarded by my coaches to be caption my freshmen and sophomore year. When I was on the soccer team I was able to show leadership on and off the field. This was a great honor to be able to represent the Harcum Women’s soccer team two years as a caption and by winning the Region 19 Championship for the first time in women’s soccer history. When I was a member of the women’s soccer team I was fortunate enough to be aware soccer scholarship. Since I am not eligible to play soccer next year I will not be receiving those funds. Having that soccer scholarship, I think contributed to the …show more content…

I am the first person in my family to attend college. I played for a college level sports team. I am in an honors society at college and I am following my dreams to become an occupational therapy assistant. I can’t say I did this all on my own my family has been a huge help. Another thing that helped me the past two years was knowing I was finically stable due to my soccer scholarships. That helped me stay focused and achieve all those amazing things I never thought I was capable of doing. If I am award the Kevin D. Marlo Scholarship I am going to continue to surprise myself and this college with the extraordinary things, I can accomplish. I have a long road ahead of me but I am ready for the ride. I am very hardwiring and if I were to receive this scholarship I would prove that my academic abilities are endless. It is unfortunate that money can be such a curling factors in someone’s education but that is just how it is. To receive this scholarship, it would show me that all of my handwork had paid off. I am looking forward for my senior year at Harcum next year. These have been the best years of my

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