Essay On Snow Crash

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In the novel Snow Crash, by Neal Stephenson, the author portrays a society where technology play a huge role. Throughout the novel, we see Y.T. and Hiro Protagonist partner up in order to gather intel and sell it for profit. These two characters encounter many difficulties regarding the virus snow crash, which is affecting the population in the metaverse. Both of these characters fight against the technology that they have been presented with. As a result, it is clear that technology in this specific novel actually plays a negative role, despite it being a vital aspect of society, because of the effects of technology in the metaverse and in the real world. To begin with, it is crucial to address Snow Crash, the virus. Throughout the novel we see this very dangerous virus unfold in the metaverse. Many of the hackers are afflicted with this perilous virus. Even though technology is certainly very important for the metaverse, since it is made out of technology, it tends to play a negative effect for the people that live here. Uncle Enzo attempts to describe technology in the metaverse as "No piece of software …show more content…

Due to the ever present technology that we see in the novel, people usually take for granted that sometimes they do not really need it. One clear example that demonstrated that technology is not always necessary, is Uncle Enzo’s ability to win the Vietnam War and his rise to the top of the mafia, without any use of technology. Uncle Enzo shouts to ;;;; “Take off your headset. And turn off that walkie-talkie. You need your ears” (Stephenson, ). By telling this character to stop using technology, Uncle Enzo recognizes that this use of technology is not always necessary. Disconnecting from technology is sometimes important because the negative aspects of technology can interfere with your everyday

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