Understanding Sex Offenses: Society's Perception and Protection

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Generally, the term sex offenders apply to persons who rape women, minor girls or molest boys. However, it can also apply to individuals who engage in passive sex offenses such as child pornography. Many women carry mace-sparing devices in their purses and other times; parent goes an extra mile to check their neighborhood for registered sex offenders just to protect their children. For long, the government and other security agencies have struggled to find an effective way to protect women, children and the disadvantaged in the society from sex offenders. Sex offenses are described as the crime of knowingly or unknowingly forcing another individual to engage in the unwanted sexual act by threatening them. On the other hand, a sex offender is that individual who has been criminally charged and convicted of or has pled guilty to a sex crime. This essay will explore various aspects of sex offenses as perceived by the members of the society. Question 1 Sex offenses have long generated enormous publicity from the media outlets due to their nature and the harm caused to their victims as well as the invoked fear among the members of the society. Generally, sex offenders are …show more content…

Some countries have been using civil commitment to remove habitual sex offenders as well as potential sex offenders from the society. Commonly this happens after these individuals have already served their sentences and I feel this is a good idea because this involuntary confinement minimizes if not eliminating chances and opportunities of a sex offender to re-offend. Considering that there is a high probability of all sex offenders to re-offend again, keeping them confined helps in keeping our streets safe where women, children and disadvantaged ion the society can flourish and live

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