Senioritis Essay

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Senioritis: Real Disease Or Just An Excuse? Senioritis is defined by the “sickness” of high school seniors. It has the biggest impact on students during the second semester of senior year and it is characterized by the lack of motivation to stay engaged. Many of the soon-to-be graduates tend to slack off by the end of the school year. Students who are experiencing senioritis do not have the energy to even get up in the morning, so they surely do not have the enthusiasm to go to school and be told what to do for eight hours straight. That is the main reason why students at this time of the year tend to skip more and more classes. This results in a drop of their GPA, it enervates their overall academic record, and may interfere with the admission …show more content…

The attitude seniors take on is a mixture of mental and emotional factors. Students uncertainty about their identity and what lies ahead in their future plays a role in senioritis. Another factor is opposition to becoming an adult. Students often become more irritable and their behavior toward their teachers become unacceptable. Students who find themselves in this situation do not realize that since they are young adults, teachers during their senior year will treat them like adults. So if hubris behavior is shown, consequences will be suffered- just like in the adult …show more content…

After researching we have found that senioritis is a myth. While it seems there are universal symptoms, such as inattentiveness, dismissive attitude, and laziness, these are not real symptoms for a true disease. While it is not a medical illness, it is a prevalent issue for high school seniors. We believe it is built up stress that causes a student to break and start slacking off in academic areas and physical appearance. In our opinion, senior year is the most stressful year in high school. After completing numerous college applications, and the acceptance process, seniors have to worry about what comes next. They will not see their friends, family, or pets everyday, which could be their main support groups. While high school may be a large contributor to senioritis, college could be the next largest contributor. There are two cures to senioritis: graduation and adjustment to college (Pickhardt,

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