Essay On School Shootings

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You hear it on the news, around your community, and even within your own school, school shootings are rapidly becoming part of our everyday life. Mass shootings have only increased the the United states, children are being shot at school and you wonder why the United States Government is continuing to allow our students and teachers to die? Gun laws in the United States need to be more regulated to prevent guns from getting into the wrong hands. Without gun regulations innocent students, friends, teachers and parents will continue to be harmed. Also, students and teachers need to be trained differently on how to handle shootings, and more preparations that need to be in place. School shootings in America have become too common, government …show more content…

“When a child is responsible for a shooting it is hard to know who to blame, their parents, teachers, other students?”(Thomerson, J., 2000, Dec). Obviously it is the student who is at fault, they brought a gun, and they pulled the trigger, but what underlying issues are there. Your average student does not want to shoot up their school so what is causing all these kids to do just that? "These kids have a lot internally they stuff down inside, and then it comes out in their behavior”(Caurie Putnam, 2017). Children who were bullies or victims of abuse can often act out with violent behavior. Teenagers are going through a lot of changes, physically, mentally and socially, it needs to be a priority to help kids, show and teach them ways to manage what they are going through. When handling school shooting students need to be evaluated more for mental health issues. “School counselors are tasked with contributing to a safe and preventative school climate serving students' academic, career, and social/emotional needs”(Emily Goodman-Scott, Jennifer Betters-Bubon, and Peg Donohue, 2015, p. 57-67). With an easier access to councillors, student can have a place to talk and understand what they are going

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