Essay On School Lunch Plan

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During the years that I have been at Corcoran High School , I have noticed that the food the District has been serving us is not really good. The food at CHS and the rest of the district is bad and not just in taste, but also in nutrition and appearance. I have also noticed that the portions of foo d are also not satisfying to some students making some of the students go to class still hungry. The District needs to realize that the food that they are serving their students is not good and they need to do something to improve the food that the District feeds the students. The best way to go about this issue is to reevaluate the lunch plan. The first step would be to start over with a new plan, a new plan with better foods and portions for students. The best way to go is for the plan to go by the food pyramid which consists of meats, breads and grains, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. For the quality of those foods, it should be on the fresh and nutritious side. Meat should be fresh and have no fillers, fruits and vegetables should be fresh like what you would get at the supermarket and should meet the USDA standards. In some cases, it's not just the quality of the food, it is also the quantity. The District should send a survey to the students and ask them how much food the students need or what will …show more content…

With the new food plan students will not go to class hungry or unsatisfied, making them able to function well for the rest of the day. Students will function better and pay attention better in class on a full stomach. My Economics Teacher always told the class “ Smell good, feel good, feel good teach good” and in this case it would be “ Eat good, feel good, feel good, learn better. Who knows the results could be good and lead to great things. Another result from this plan would be that students will be encouraged to eat healthy and get

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