Essay On Pesticides

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Pesticides are chemical compounds used to kill unwanted "pests" such as small insects. These chemicals can harm creatures in many ways, such as how they disrupt genetics, their effects on the ecosystem and their ability to permeate certain produce. Pesticides may appear to be supporting the common good by keeping unwanted pests controlled in agriculture, yet they are more harmful than the public realizes and should be tested under harsher guidelines. To begin with, pesticides are harmful because of their ability to grow within produce. When a pesticide is sprayed on produce, its purpose is to protect the outer skin, yet many make their way into the produce itself (Rabin). One of the most contaminated products from pesticide use is the apple. As apples first begin their process of growth, the outer skin is soft and therefore able to soak up more of its surroundings, including pesticides. Many people believe that they can remove excess pesticides by merely washing their produce before consuming it, yet that is simply not the case. One may wash their produce to their hearts content, but when the poisons of pesticides are already harbored within, there is no way to remove them. Going back to the example of an apple, as it continues to grow the pesticides will stay within. Once the apples are almost fully grown, orchard workers will …show more content…

As Michael Crupain, explained, "[W]e're exposed to a cocktail of chemicals from our food on a daily basis". In fact, eating one serving of green beans from the U.S. is two hundred times riskier than eating a serving of U.S. grown broccoli ("Pesticides"). When telling children to eat their fruits and vegetables so that they can be healthy and strong, what deadly diseases are people really exposing them to? Many Americans are not aware of the risk coming from the food grown in their own

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