Essay On Peru Religion

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The Transformation of Peruvian Religion
In Peru, there are many cultural attributes that makes the country characteristically unique. One aspect of the country that is an essential element of the country’s history, people, and lifestyles is the religion. Over time, religion in Peru has transformed with factors such the Spanish conquistadors, Christianization, and the combining and mixture of the culture of the indigenous Peruvians and of the Christian religion. The lifestyle of the citizenry of Peru is heavily affected by the religion one follows in Peru, and those lifestyles are what set Peru apart from other countries. In Peru, religion is essential to the culture of Peruvians, and that religion that has been embedded in Peru’s culture has transformed greatly over the centuries. …show more content…

The people of the Inca empire followed a ruler that was allegedly in relation to the Sun God the Incas praised, Inti. The Inca calendar and the rituals Incas performed were largely based on their beliefs, and their take on the astronomical and weather related events that would occur during natural anomalies (Hunefeldt 26). Nature was a large factor in the belief and religion of the Incas, with elements and aspects of nature such as the sun or earth having been worshipped through the idea of gods and goddesses. Many shrines, building, statues, and places of worship were built by the Incas, fittingly representing their passion for religion. Gods and Goddesses of an earthly nature such as of thunder or Earth were praised by the Incas, and offerings were given to the Gods and Goddesses of worship by said Incas (Starn 35). This lifestyle was continued for a length of time, until Spanish Conquistadors invaded Peru and changed their lifestyles

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