Essay On Overuse Injury

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A common complaint pediatricians get from their young patients is pain from an overuse injury. An overuse injury will affect soft tissues, or bones and will hinder most athletes to power through with their training. Training puts stress on soft tissues and if not fully recovered will delay the injury from healing properly.This is a risk factor for young athletes because they are still developing and growing to reach skeletal maturity in their bones. Compared to adults their physeal and apophyseal tissue is very vulnerable of being overused. Being aware of how age takes a role on overuse injuries is important for proper recognition, treatment, and prevention of injury. This article reviews most common overuse injuries for young athletes with risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment. Overuse injuries cause an imbalance between training, stress on tissues and recovery duration. If this chain of inadequate recovery continues to progress the risk of cellular damage will increase and the athlete will not only experience pain from sports but also from daily living activities. It may be difficult to find the right time to start training from an injury, it could be too soon, or too much. . To properly treat an injury the athlete and family should be consulted with the factors of the athlete’s injury. The …show more content…

The pain continues to grow as she ran, jumped and bent her knee over the swelling area. Osgood- Schlatter disease (OSD) or tibial tubercle apophysitis, occurs from repeated traction on the tibial tubercle ossification center during adolescence. Inflammation occurs at the tibial tuberosity at patellar tendon. Due to this conditions there is limited quad flexibility and strength for the individual. OSD is most common in adolescents on their apophysitis and exostosis. This means the femur bone grows faster than the quad muscles trying to attach on the distal end of the

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