Essay On One Hundred Years Of Solitude And Candide

856 Words2 Pages

Page 281-end of One Hundred Years of Solitude
This book was interesting and had a vibe of the story we all read Voltaire’s Candide. One Hundred Years of Solitude had all of these twists and turns always keeping you on edge. The one difference between the two stories was all of the incest involved which I do not like. However, these last several chapters we read tied the whole story up and explained a great deal.
The wealthy banana plantation owners, I thought would help in the growth of Macondo but only leading to the destruction of the village. Setting up their own police did not help which they lead with cruel attacks on the citizens. What was surprising was that Colonel Marquez did not help him start another war to change the landscape …show more content…

Later in the story with, Jose Arcadio Segundo, I did like the fact that he tried to make a difference helping the plantation workers. The working conditions were bad and he tried to help but it only led to 3,000 of the workers gathering for a meeting with the leadership. They were all slaughtered like pigs and dumped in a sea, Segundo was on the train with them jumping off headed back to Macondo. No one in the town remembering what happened with this rain falling on the town destroying any trace of what transpired. This event that happened to Segundo left him obsessed with what happened. He takes refuge in the gypsy’s old room studying Melquiades manuscripts.
This rain after the massacre lasted for years and I would be frustrated if I had been in the town. I would have left or gone crazy with all of the rain. Aureliano Segundo is imprisoned by the rain, Ursula is bed-ridden, which makes her not able to understand anything. The rain is terrible for Petra Cotes with all of the livestock dying because of the rain. This angers Segundo who finds gold coins Ursula hidden in the backyard of the house. This rain and all the events that emerged put the town in jeopardy being only a

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