Essay On My Academic Career

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Briefly describe the career you are considering and why:

I wanted to become a teacher because of my second-grade teacher. In my short academic career, she had made a difference in my life. Fast-forward to 10 years later, I still have the passion for becoming an educator because of the role models I had in school. They made me realize that are more than a teacher; they can be someone you talk to and someone who helps you reach your goals. On my cultural exchange to China, I realize how much more I wanted to be a teacher. As I watch my home-stay do her English homework, I notice how hard it is to learn English. These children are learning English to help them get a better future. That is why I have considered a career in education. I want to …show more content…

I am able to help those in need while being involved within the community. It is also a way for me to test the waters with my career goals. Throughout the many years of volunteering, it has allowed me to grow to be an altruistic and empathetic person. I have made connections and friendships as I volunteer. As a high school student and a frequent volunteer, I have been using a planner and mastered how to manage my time efficiently. Along with time management, I learned that sometimes I am not capable of doing everything; I now know how to say “no” to certain events. Because of volunteering, I have gained a lot of leadership skills to be a leader. From volunteering my communication skills, and social skills have improved. I can now address a crowd without fear, have eye contact and communicate …show more content…

One of the first clubs I had joined was the Global Issues Club; we help change the world locally and globally. I have ran some meetings and organized many events such as a pride parade, food bank drives, and bake sales. The teachers have always said that Global Issues is a club ran by passionate students; it is not run by teachers, they are there for support. Communications Club is the second club I joined; we provide information to the school and community through social media. I started an Instagram account in grade 10 and later became co-chair in grade 11 and 12. When I was in grade 10, there were only six members, now we are a club of thirty members! I run monthly meetings and attend meetings and talk to teachers about upcoming events; then my club and I create messages and posters to spread the word to everyone. Because of the efforts my principal, co-chair and I have put into the club, we were invited to be a part of a pilot project that would improve communications for the school community with TVs, iPads, a school app and a Snapchat geotag. Not only am I the co-chair of Communications Club, but I am also co-chair of Student Council. I was a member of the council in grade 10 and the council’s secretary in grade 11. The council helps plan school-wide events and bring school spirit. These three clubs are my second priority after my education. For three years, I have

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