Essay On Male Genital Warts

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Male Genital Warts and HPV Treatment in Orange County: What Should You Really Know?
There are a number of diseases that can easily leave you with trauma and psychological distress. Diseases such as cancer and sexually transmitted infections top the list. Under STIs, a common trend that leaves many people stressed, demoralized, and devastated is the genital warts.
The truth is with warts all over your genital area your confidence can easily deteriorate. If you are experiencing any forms genital warts and you are living in Orange County, here is what you should know.
There are very many different types of genital warts. According to Dr. Lauber an Orange County HPV expert, all these types of genital warts are caused with the same virus, the HPV virus also known as the “Condyloma” or in some cases …show more content…

Lauber adds that genital warts are usually soft and moist and could easily appear in groups. The most number noted is in fours, however cases of one or two genital warts appearing have also been reported before.
According to many Orange County HPV experts, there usually a number of strains of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) but only a few are responsible for the many cases of genital warts that have been recorded today. More specifically, the type 6 and 11 are prone to genital warts.
However, there are some cases that have been reported of genital warts causing mild pain or itching and bleeding. These only happen under rare occasions and especially when warts reach a considerable size. It is advisable to seek medical advice promptly if you are experiencing such. Additionally, there a number of HPV viruses that is also prone to cancer. That’s why seeking experts checkup can be a timely resolution.
Dr. Lauber says that in men, genital warts are not as common as in women. Irrespective of that, when they appear in men they will appear at the tip of the penis or around the anus. To be more precise genital warts in men will appear on or around the following areas.

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