Essay On Lifestyle Differences

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How are the lifestyle differences of men and women reflected in space?


I aim to argue how there is a clear difference between lifestyles for genders in most majority of spaces and how they can be seen in various spaces to provide evidence to the claim.

Lifestyle differences can be split into various scenarios of space, these scenarios can be grouped within two main categories of space.
These categories are:
1. Domestic/Private space
2. Urban/Public space

I will explain each category to some level of depth, focusing primarily on public space, providing examples of scenarios along with conclusive evidence of their existence and effects on lifestyles.

In conclusion I wish to achieve how ultimately lifestyle differences are pre-fabricated by society and how education and teachings are the main influence that ties each category and scenario of space through the dictation that is cast by society of gender roles throughout history, along with how space is masculinised causing lifestyle differences and social experiences between genders.

Public vs Private

Private space can be defined as space at a domestic level, e.g. households, where not everyone is welcome to accommodate the space, shaping the space as ‘private’.
Thus the word public being an inverse of private, defines public space as where social interaction occurs which is generally open to all such as shopping centres, parks etc., along with work space/offices which isn’t necessarily accessible by everyone.

Public Space

The stereotypical lifestyles that were shaped by society led to men being the one who worked and women being the housekeeper.
These lifestyles are reflected in space, buildings and public spaces designed primarily by men for men. This meant...

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... permanent context of reference and relation. Power relations form a central component of the constitution of spaces
Women were disadvantaged in society, men holding a hierarchy among the two genders
Given restricted access to public space as a manifestation of socially produced fear that is constituted by the way space is perceived and imagined. Tanusree
Geographically in less developed countries (LEDCs) in comparison to more developed countries (MEDCs) have distinct dissimilarities with one another.

Majority of MEDCs have changed their views on certain factors such as gender roles, where now both the male and female have equal opportunity and right to obtain work, so the domestic space can be unoccupied at any time by either genders and the female can become the sole source of income for the household while the male stays and looks after the house and children

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