Essay On Life Expectancy Of Women

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It has been well documented that women in general have a longer lifespan than men. In the past the reason was believed to be that women live a healthier lifestyle than men; I believe this is true to a point. Women don’t tend to work in as hazardous of environments and historically they tend not to smoke as much. Based on some research I have seen, a man or women’s lifestyle doesn’t sum up the total life expectancy of the individual. For the most part I believe the availability of modern medicine and the education level of the person will tie directly into the results. Basically if the person is moderately educated and has access to the modern medicine and actually uses it they can expect to extend their life. These are not the only factors of this though; genetics can obviously play a large role in the life expectancy of a person as well. People appear to be understanding this more and are moving to a preemptive strike when it comes to these types of issues. The fact that women have out lived men over the years may be taking a turn. Mortality rates of women are on the rise from lung...

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