Essay On Women In The 1940s

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In the 1940s, the careers of women and men were altered when World War II was at its peak, during the time between 1940 and 1945 the year the war ended, American factories and shipyards produced around 300,000 military planes, 86,000 tanks, 8.5 million guns and carbines, 3 million machine guns, 72,000 naval ships, 4,900 merchant ships which would carry important and needed supplies, and 14 million tons of explosives and ammunition for the war (the 1940s, 23). Before the United States had joined the war, many companies had already formed contracts with the government about being able to produce military equipment for the war. World War II had a big effect on not just women's but men’s careers as well, therefore it is important to know the history behind how it affected the careers of the 1940s, and to know how it changed the careers of men as well women. …show more content…

World War II affected the workforce of men and women in different ways, men were drafted to war while women took their place in factories and workyards. Patriotism influenced women into working while the men were at war. Once at work, women were convinced to go to work by the economic incentives, the women learned about the nonmaterial benefits that come with working such as learning new skills, contributing to the public good, and proving that women can do the jobs meant for men just as good as the men could do the work ( Women in the 1940s were hesitant to join the workforce, that was until Norman Rockwell’s fictional character “Rosie the Riveter” inspired multiple women to join the workforce to help dedicate their services to the war. The creation of “Rosie the Riveter”lead to, many other images of “Rosie” to help bring forth volunteers for the

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