Essay On Iron Metabolism

565 Words2 Pages

Normal Iron Metabolism:
If the body is absorbs an enough of the right nutrients a well balanced diet will be achieved. Roughly 2mg of iron is lost daily due to desquamation of epithelia. Iron is mainly lost at a more drastic rate during menstruation cycles, haemorrhages. During pregnancy there is a more drastic demand for iron which also increases iron absorption to 20%.
The two main absorption sites of iron is the duodenum and the upper duodenum. The divalent metal transporter takes the absorbed iron across the intestinal epithelial cells. Metals such manganese copper, cobalt and zinc (good metals), cadmium, lead (bad metals) are also so facilitated by the transporter. An erythrocyte releases iron through a passage known as the ferroportin and into the bloodstream. Transferrin (transport protein) binds the iron within the bloodstream.
During the process of metabolism between 20 and 45 % of the transferrin sites are full. Very little of the bound iron formed (0.1%) in all of the body is moving towards the transferrin. Any of the iron that was absorbed is used for erythropoiesis in t...

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