Essay On Inaccurate Memory

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A leading researcher at the University of Washington, Elizabeth Loftus, is specialized in the area of memory. She has recently discovered that when an occurrence is recalled it is not always re-created accurately. Loftus’ research revealed that instead, it is a reconstruction of the actual event. Newly collected information in relation to the topic being re-called can interfere with the memory you’re attempting to recall resulting in inaccurate recollection of the experience. If not be newly collected information it could be from other sources, such as the previous times you’ve told it, experiences from a television episode, a movie, or many other factors. You may have even experienced this yourself when you’ve been in the same place with another person for an event but have two un-matching stories of how the story took place and what occurred. This study took place because if memories are believed to be inaccurate then why are things such as eyewitnesses’, in legal proceedings, taken so seriously when their memory can easily be false …show more content…

150 university students observed a short video of an accident that involved a white sports car and then answered 10 questions about the content on the video. One question for half of the students asked how fast the car was going when it passed the barn while the other half received a question asking how fast the car was going while traveling along the road. Just like the previous experiment, the students returned a week later with 10 follow-up questions on the video about the accident. The question asked if they saw a barn. Of the students that were asked a question mentioning a barn, 17.3% reported they had seen one. While 2.7% in the no-barn group reported they had seen it. These results for this experiment, as the others, were also statistically

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