Essay On How Football Changed My Life

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I went to a tryout for a soccer club. It wasn’t the first tryout I had gone to. I had gone to many tryouts for different clubs in Washington. They were all the same. The coaches didn’t care for the players all they wanted, and cared for was the money. As soon as the tryout started I thought to myself "Its just another typical tryout for a club that is not seeking to make me a better player" Little did I know Northwest United was about to change my life dramatically. My coach Geoff Martin impacted my life greatly. He taught me everything that I know now. Before I joined his team I was just another average soccer player. In the first month of being on his team I started to notice changes in my conditioning. I could know run for longer periods of time. My balance was better, and my legs were stronger. I kept getting stronger, and more technical day by day. I started to do things I thought I would never be able to do. Every time I did a trick that I didn’t know I …show more content…

They changed my perspective on soccer. They opened up a lot of opportunities. I have met so many people who are now a big part of my life. I don’t even know where I would be without those people. Its crazy to think about how different my life would be if I hadn't joined this club. I wouldn’t have gone on all those adventures around the world. I would not be playing at the same level of competition that I am today. I would not have all these opportunities. My life would be boring without this club. Time flies, and I'm at my happiest stages when I step onto that pitch with my family. They have done so much for me, and i owe them everything. Joining Northwest United was by far the best decision I have ever made in my entire life. They changed me as a player, and as a person for the better. My coach, and my teammate have given me plenty of opportunities. Nothing but greatness has come from joining this wonderful club that changed my life

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