Essay On How Does Medea Manipulate Creon

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In order for Medea to keep her plan going, she needed to stay in the place her victim is in, by doing so, she needed to manipulate the man who was in charge of Corinth, and she did just that. She was able to manipulate Creon, to make sure she can stay one more day in Corinth for her own pleasures and desires. She manipulates Creon in ways where she can sound less menacing. She does this by sounding more like a victim in the acts of Jason and connects to Creon. However, Creon does not trust her, for he knows how creative and wise Medea is. “I fear thee, woman---little need to cloak my reasons” (18), Creon is very aware of Medea’s cleverness and skillful speaking, which makes him reconsider Medea’s stay in Corinth. Medea had basically rounded up all her victims, leading to the various tactics of manipulation she had used against them. …show more content…

Aegeus, the next person to be manipulated by Medea, is done by having him feel pity for her. She uses her skilled craftiness to manipulate and bargain with Aegeus. Medea had her sights set on Jason and the only way she can get into his head, was by being submissive and toying with his pride. “Beseech your father’s bride, whom I obey,” (56); she manipulates Jason to allow their children to give the new mother the robe made out of poison to her as a special gift. Her final victims of manipulation are her innocent children. Medea had focused on her next targets and used her manipulation on her children for a greater outcome. She manipulates herself into thinking that it is the only way she can inflict much damage to Jason. To her, killing her children was the only way she can get in her husband’s head and will give her the positive end to all the

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