Examples Of Justice In Medea

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“Peace and justice are two sides of the same coin” (“Eisenhower”).
Justice is not always easy to obtain, sometimes it is even harder to deal with the consequences. Medea was wronged in more ways than one. She was forced to leave her home and kill her brother so that she could help Jason on the ship, Argo. Afterwards, Jason and Medea got married and had two children. Years later, Jason left her for a princess. She was heartbroken and cried for days. During her suffering, King Creon of Corinth exiled her and her children out of the kingdom. Jason only wished for peace whilst Medea longed for something different. She made a plan that would fulfil her thirst for vengeance. In the play Medea by Euripides, the success of Medea’s vengeful scheme she undertakes highlights that things do not always go as expected. …show more content…

Medea and Jason’s “fine love’s grown sick, diseased, for Jason, leaving his own children and [...] is lying on a royal wedding bed”. If a man is married to a woman, both should respect their vows. Breaking those vows and leaving one for another is one of the worst sins a human can commit. Medea realized this and was furious at Jason. She “wish[ed] [she] could die!” Broken hearts often lead to thoughts of death and attempts of suicide. Instead of doing this, she makes her own vow, which is to make Jason have the same thoughts she did. She planned to take vengeance into her own hands. It was a plan much more drastic than any

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