Essay On Health Care Disparities

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The United state, one of the most developed countries in the world can’t deny the fact that health cares for the citizen are not part of their rights. Having a health and medical facility should be both accessible and affordable. There has been approached different option but with the political, social and economic situation, we are not yet able to make one solid decision. Many citizens still does not have health insurance and many still cannot afford it. This is creating many health disparities. I specially chose this topic to take a deeper look on this matter and see what are the actual disparities and what are the possible options we can take solve the issue. Introduction: When its comes to health care, The United states still needs some major work before acing it. It has longstanding challenge causing health disparities resulting some groups to receive poor quality health …show more content…

Disparities in “health” and “health care” are related, but they not synonymous, concepts. As mentioned in the article- A “health disparity” refers to a higher burden of illness, injury, disability, or mortality experienced by one population group relative to another. On the other hand, “health care disparity” typically refers to differences between groups in health insurance coverage, access to and use of care, and quality of care.” (Citation) I do not think health and health care disparities can easily be compared but it can be explained by individual’s need for health care, patient preferences, or treatment recommendations. There are definitely some related term like health inequality and inequity, which cannot be avoided on both situations. Health disparities even today are common viewed through the eyes of racial, social and economical and ethnicity background. As we discuss many times in the class our zip code tells about our health than genetics. Our age, geography, language, sex, income, education, citizenship status will

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