Essay On Gun Control In America

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America and guns, usually you wouldn’t think they would go together but in this day and age, it is. Nowadays teens and young adults are getting guns way to easily and doing awful things with them, look back at how guns have affected our state the last hundred years. Reported by OPB on May 21st, 1998 4 kids including the parents of the shooter were killed at Thurston High School because of his mental disease (MDD) and buying guns from other kids at school. Two years ago at Umpqua Community College in southern Oregon, according to a report done by the Los Angeles times, Christopher Harper-Mercer purchased guns legally despite his criminal history and “...having depression and anger issues” documented through the United States Army (Gunderson). There should be a major reform of gun control and safety to make sure America and the nation’s citizens are …show more content…

The Center for Disease Control announced that on average, 93 Americans are killed due to guns every day. These 93 deaths per day would reduce down to 32 suicides, 58 homicides, 1 accidental death, 1 legal death with police intervention, and causes that were undetermined. The number of homicides is way too high and with better gun control we would reduce the number of men, women, and children being murdered.

Some people say we shouldn’t even need gun control because our second amendment right set by our founding fathers which, “...protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home” (US Supreme Court). Our founding fathers envisioned an America where everyone had the right to protect themselves and their family. If guns were ever needed to be used, they should only be used as a last resort and/or the weapon holders sole intention to be either to protect someone's family, friend, or

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