Periodontal Disease Essay

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Periodontal disease, or periodontitis, is an “inflammation of the gums that leads to multiple dental diseases…caused by infections or by plaque that adheres to the surface of the teeth” (Blake 86). Gingivitis is an “early form of periodontal disease that involves gum swelling, bleeding, and oral pain” (Blake 86). Thus, periodontal disease typically moves from the early stage of gingivitis to more progressive stages, gradually worsening until teeth are potentially lost or separated from the gums or jaw bone. Subsequently, the risk of heart attack, stroke, and other health problems can occur (Nordqvist 1). In considering periodontal disease, the signs and symptoms include the following indicators:
• Persistent bad breath.
• Red, inflamed, tender, or bleeding gums.
• Pus between the gums or teeth or sores in the mouth.
• Painful chewing.
• Sensitive or loose teeth.
• Changes in the way the …show more content…

Plaque, and especially tarter, can be difficult to remove and can steadily damage the teeth and tissue in the mouth. Personally, I realized that plaque occurs rather quickly on teeth after having braces and having to clean them extensively to prevent plaque. However, even though the main cause is dental plaque, there are some risk factors that increase the risk of developing gingivitis and periodontal disease. These risk factors encompass regular smoking, genetics, hormone changes in females, diabetes, cancer, AIDS, and even some medications. Consequently, the anatomy affected by gingivitis and periodontal disease is mainly the teeth, gums, bones, and ligaments in the mouth. Nevertheless, ultimately, data has suggested that the heart, lungs, and other parts of the body can in due course be affected as diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, respiratory diseases, and cancer have been linked to this

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