Essay On Food In The Elizabethan Era

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Food in the Elizabethan Era
During the Elizabethan Era, the foods that you ate were heavily based on what class of wealth you fit into! If you were part of the wealthy class, you would have a very large assortment of foods at your disposal to eat. If you were part of the middle class, you had some medley of foods to choose from. If you were part of the poor class, then you did not have near as many foods to choose from. However, if you were born into or part of the penury part of society, you had very few possible choices of food to pick from. The different classes in wealth ate very differently, back then (Sharnette.) The food that you ate, in the Elizabethan Era, heavily depended on whether you were wealthy or poor and was much different from the foods that we eat nowadays. The wealthy people of England at the time had a large variety of food each day. The foods that they are cow, deer, lamb, many birds, pig, many kinds of fish, wild animals, and sheep (Mahabal.) They also ate many fruits and vegetables, although there were not near as many discovered foods back then. There obviously was not any imported foods in the Elizabethan Era because of the lack of knowledge on how to transport the foods. There was also no refrigeration back then, so their desserts were mostly custards, jellies, cakes, pastries, and honeys (Sharnette.) On the other hand, on Holidays, they had an even larger amount of food to choose from. The rich rarely cooked for themselves. They mainly had their servants and maids do all of the cooking. They could request just about anything and their servants …show more content…

“Elizabethan Era Foods and Recipes.” Elizabethan Era England Life. 2016. 1 Oct. 2016. .

Picard, Lisa. “Food and Drink.” Elizabeth’s London: everyday life in Elizabethan London. 2003.

Ros, Maggi. “Food and Your Lifestyle.” Life in Elizabethan England. 2008. 30 Sept. 2016. .

Sharnette, Heather. “Elizabeth R.” 1998-2016. 30 Sept. 2016.

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