Essay On Field Slavery

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A slave is defined as a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them. Slavery took many Africans from the West and sold them to different slave masters who would work their entire lives off, unless they could buy or were given freedom. The majority of slaves lived on large plantations where they were poorly treated, stripped of all basic rights, and went through hell on earth. Slavery for the white man was a great thing, where they felt higher and got work done and made profit for free. The daily life of a slave was treacherous, sickening, and cruel through poor conditions, harsh masters, and lack of rights given. Work was one of the many things a slave had to struggle through, There were two types of slaves on a plantation: house slaves and field slaves. House slaves were given better treat than field slaves, better food, better clothing but still faced their difficulties. House slaves were separated from the others and often were thought bad of by the field slaves. Also it was common for some of the female house slaves to be raped, and the mistresses/wives of the slave master to be harder on them because of that.A field slave work was very …show more content…

The more strict it became the more resistance or rebellion came to end its reign. Slaves were forbidden to receive an education, learn to read or write, could not own property, and could not testify against a white person. A slave was treated like dirt, given the power or the ability to do absolutely nothing. With this it was discussed in the Unfinished Nations book that slaves rebellion varied in many ways, and it was all to defy the masters. Things were stolen from the master’s house, slaves refused to work, and slaves ran away. Resistance even escalated to rebellion such as Nat Turner where slaves would kill white slave owners and their families. These things were done to put an end to slavery which was extremely hard for a slave to

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