Essay On Fashion Stereotypes

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There have been many instances where I am stopped and commented on what I’m wearing. Depending on a single item of clothing, I am either a “certified hippie”, “lesbian”, or “law student”. This has brought me to raise an important social question: How have fashion and advertising built identity stereotypes? Stereotyping can have a strong and negative impact on a person, especially younger generations that are now at an influential stage in their mental development. By subjecting them to these stereotypes based on what they wear, they may begin to think of and see themselves as society claims, rather than who they are or aspire to be. By conducting further research on stereotyping in fashion designs through their advertisements, the aim of this research is to understand the history and social ideas behind fashion. By thoroughly understanding the problem, a solution would be easier to reach. In order to gain further insight on the matter, two practitioners have been selected: Dr. Rebecca Arnold and Dr. Roman Meinhold. Rebecca Arnold is currently a lecturer in History of dress and Textiles at the Courtauld Institute of Art. Her …show more content…

His research and publications address environmental thought, cultural inquiry, philosophy of art and culture, holistic well-being, and, applied philosophy and ethics. His book Fashion Myths: A Cultural Critique, discusses advertisements of fashion, and fashion-related goods from a philosophic-anthropological perspective within a contemporary cultural context. In other words, understanding the thoughts of consumers when watching advertisements and making purchases. Understanding the matter from an anthropological perspective, as well as from a design perspective, allows for insight into the matter through an interdisciplinary approach, aiding in understanding the situation from both sides: designer and

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