Essay On Environmental Hazards

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The environment plays a very important part in human development and health. An environment is defined as the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates in the natural world, as a whole or in a particular geographical area. The World Health Organization(WHO) is concerned with the connections between hazards in both natural and built environments that cause human health and disease. They also focus on assessing and controlling hazardous factors in the environment to target ways of preventing disease while creating healthy-supportive environments. A few of these hazards include air quality, climate change, food safety & supply, hazardous material waste management, toxic chemical exposure, and natural disasters. According to the Red Cross each year 130,000 people are killed, 90,000 are injured and 140 million are affected by unique events known as disaster.(IFRCRCS, 1998). Although many cannot be avoided, forty percent are caused directly from human’s poor choices. (Wright and Boorse, 2011) Environmental hazards are all the physical, chemical, biological cultures, to include all other related factors impacting or may potentially affect human health and behaviors.
Many scientist believe the environment we live in contributes to the health and longevity of life. Physical hazards are usually unpreventable natural disasters like hurricanes, tornado's, or earthquakes. They can also include mechanical or culture/social issues with distinction being made between them and the consequences. This is determined by the sudden occurrence or duration of the disaster. Like a tornado for example, it usually gives little to no warning and may leave people homeless, hurt or even dead. The decision o...

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...of this type of environmental hazard that have plagued the every society and person in some way. Disease in humans can come from biological hazards in the form of infection by bacteria such as viruses,or parasites. Major infectious diseases like AIDS, acute respiratory infections, diarrhea disease and tuberculosis are both bacterial and viral infections that are the leading cause of human death to date. Examples of these infections include pneumonia, influenza, diphtheria, and streptococcal infections. The hazards from these bacterias can be avoided through prevention steps such as health care as well as the proper handling, storing, and cooking of food.

In conclusion:
There are many hazards that we all have come in contact with that have negative effects on a our well being. The major categories of environmental hazards; biological, physical and chemical,

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