Essay On Early Childhood Development

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1 in 10 children suffer from child maltreatment. 1 in 16 children suffer from sexual abuse. Nearly 1 in 10 children are witnesses to family violence. The youngest children are the most vulnerable to maltreatment. Over 25% of abused children are under the age of three while over 45% of abused children are under the age of five. Number of children in the United States who died because of abuse or neglect yearly: 1,593. The USA Surgeon General states under the category of mental health: severe and repeated trauma during youth may have enduring effects upon both neurobiological and psychological development altering stress responsivity and altering adult behavior patterns … these individuals experience a greatly increased risk of mood, anxiety …show more content…

Studies about early childhood development indicate that the brain develops in response to experiences with caregivers, family and the community, and that its development is directly linked to the quality and quantity of those experiences. Meeting a child’s needs during these early stages creates emotional stability and security that is needed for healthy brain development. Repeated exposure to stressful events can affect the brain’s stress response, making it more reactive and less adaptive. With time a child may react as if danger is always present in their environment regardless of what the presenting situation actually …show more content…

Child abuse and maltreatment can have a multitude of long-term effects on physical health. Research has found that during the following three years after the maltreatment investigation, 28% of abused and neglected children had a chronic health condition. Nearly half of the infants in foster care who have experienced maltreatment exhibit some form of cognitive delay and have lower IQ scores, language difficulties, and neonatal challenges compared to children who have not been abused or

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