Essay On Disillusion In The Great Gatsby

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Obsession as a cause of failure and disillusionment
Obsession is an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind. Obsession might be considered as a sickness since when the person is obsessed with someone or something he is usually willing to do anything to reach the goal and satisfy himself. Obsession would almost always lead you to failure or disillusionment the same as it happened with Myrtle and Gatsby. They both were addicted, Myrtle was obsessed with money and chose it over the love and Gatsby was obsessed with the desire of returning Daisy using the gained wealth. As a result they both lost everything including their life and that’s Gatsby was the one whose obsession of ideal past with Daisy brought him …show more content…

Don Cody’s for him, which appeared to be something that gives u freedom and respect. Lately in the age of 17 he changed his name to Jay Gatsby to erase his past of poverty and so people didn’t know him being newly-rich. Being a young soldier, he fell in love with a rich girl Daisy whose ideal guy was full of wealth, so Gatsby introduced himself as a high class guy. After separation five year later he got obsessed with idea of becoming extremely rich and get Daisy back. Therefore he went to New York and made a lot of money with illegal business. He started throwing parties in his house, so there were new and new people coming every day. However no one knew about his past and there were much gossip, which feared him. He was concerned that people find out of his past and all those upper case people would not respect him and see as …show more content…

Her husband was a George Wilson- mechanic in the Valley of the Ashes. As she was telling her sister and by the time she met him she didn’t know he was not rich. Therefore she felt disgusted with the thought that he had to borrow a suit for their wedding. When she just met Tom Buchanan she also described him in terms of his closing. “He had on a dress suit and patent leather shoes, and I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him.”(38) Myrtle believed what she saw and she got obsessed seeing a guy like Tom, she didn’t see anything around herself thinking only )Myrtle is been fooled by Tom with the reason why he couldn’t leave his wife and Myrtle believed it. She wanted to believe since she thought that she was born in the wrong family class and she was always supposed to be in the high class. Even though Myrtle loved her husband she still chose money, not Tom but his appearance. Seeing Tom taking Gatsby’s car pushed her on the road of the end of her

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