Essay On Discrimination In America

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Born and Raised

Over the past years America has become more and more diverse. As many people from all over the world have poured in to have a taste of the American dream. The country has incorporated many groups of people, ranging from African Americans to Asian Americans. Therefore society is constantly changing and the way people are seen as well. Where there is diversity there will always be those who do not like certain people because of their cultural background or the color of their skin.

Culture discrimination has been around since the birth of America. As immigrants from all over the world came pouring in. Americans felt that these people were ruining america. Calling out people like the Chinese and Irish. Discriminating them for their beliefs, whether it be spiritual or religious beliefs. For example, My hispanic culture is a prime target of The American immigration services and the rest of southern white conservative americans for ruining America. But, discrimination doesn’t just stop there. In Vershawn Ashanti Young’s “Prelude: The barbershop,” he goes into the idea of the double consciousness, where he must keep two identities that appeal to his own culture and race and the rest of society (paragraph 3). …show more content…

People who hate on a certain genders are seen as bad people. Culture has really changed over time, now people with different genders are more accepted and are encouraged in most places than before. If culture had not changed, people all over would of discriminate and hate those with different gender. Now gender is accepted by society because it is seen as progressive. Although some of people’s culture wont let them accept those who are a different gender because of their religion or believe that have been passed down by generations without changing. Nowadays society is more acceptable of all types of culture but some types of people are still seen as outsiders or something less than they

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