Essay On Cytoplasm

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Cytoplasm Cytoplasm is made of mostly salt and water, which means it is a jelly-type fluid. The cytoplasm can be located in side of the cell membrane. There are functions, which the cytoplasm holds that includes being a place to set chemical reactions. There are enzymes inside of the cytoplasm which help to bread won are throwaway waste products the cytoplasm helps the give the cell a structure and shape also helps all the things inside the cell stay in a specific position to help better functioning.
Plasma Membrane The plasma membrane control anything that enters or leaves the cell as it acts like a large barrier around the cell. In some other cells it can be made from lipids and portions. Another thing function, which the plasma membrane can do is …show more content…

It is like a bone however, the bone is more rigid. It allows some movement as well as providing stability which is better than the actual muscle. The material with a specialised structure is created by cells, which are called Chondroplasty. This is also important as it helps movement and reduce friction. There’s a large about of flexibility in the tissue as they are elastic fibre which, give a large amount of strength.
The blood is also considered as a connective tissue as it helps the body in many ways such as transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide in haemoglobin inside the red blood cells which do not have a nucleus. There are also other forms such as the white blood cells that help defend the body. The main reason fir blood to be a connective tissue is that it helps connect the body together as it helps supply the body with things needed such as nuisance, oxygen and hormones as well as having a same type of organ as the others do.
Muscle tissue
The smooth muscle tissue can be found in the tube and the reductive system as well as the digestive system. Smooth muscle cells have a single, centrally-located nucleus and are spindle

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