Essay On Closed Head Injury

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A closed head injury is the head damage that does not penetrate the skull. The damage may be caused by a blow to the head, as small injury, or it can be severe. Head injuries occur in two broad categories based on what causes them. It can either be blows to the head or head injuries due to shaking.
In the United States, the incidences of the head injuries are estimated to be 200 cases per 100,000 persons per year. The rate shows that half a million cases reported every year, but it sad that 15% of the patients succumb to the injury. Traumatic injuries remain the leading cause of death in both children and the adults. Again traumatic brain injuries result in more deaths that other trauma to other body parts. Motor vehicles are the leading cause of the close head injuries, and alcohol contributes to up to 38% of all the severe cases involving the young patients. Annually mortality from the closed head injuries is about 100,000 patients, as that is not enough, permanent disabilities from the survivors ranges 10-100% depending on the severity of the accident producing 90000 newly disabled patients annually. “The head injuries cost the United States $75-100 billion annually as some of this injuries require …show more content…

It may be direct trauma to the head of any cause. Primary injury cases cause structural changes such as epidural hematoma, subdural hematoma, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and intra-ventricular hemorrhage. Secondary injuries like hypoxia, acidosis, and other parts which can damage the brain. Neurosurgeons have given prophylactic anticonvulsants for patients with intracranial hemorrhages, although the period for the medication is not clear. For patients who have experienced seizure can be treated with anticonvulsants for 6-12 months. “The new antiepileptic drug is used for the acute brain injury for seizure treatment or prophylaxis” (Rangel,

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