Essay On Classroom Interaction And Learning

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A review of literature presents the background perspectives on classroom interaction and learning and also the interaction and its impact on English language teaching and learning. The research is being done in order to apply the proper interactive approach in cooperative learning and pair/group activities. In order to conduct this research, the university students and teachers will be asked to fill in the questionnaires and the results will be drawn out of their answers.
The relevant literature regarding this topic includes the “Second and Foreign Language Learning through Classroom Interaction” edited by “Joan Kelly Hall and Lorrie Stoops Verplaelse” and “Classroom Interaction for Language Teachers” by “Steve Walsh”.
The researcher is applying the theory of Bruner as he is best known for his discovery of developmental theory. Bruner holds the view that learners, whether they are adults or children usually learn best when they discover knowledge for themselves. According to him students retain the knowledge best when it is …show more content…

According to the interaction hypothesis, Secondary Language Acquisition occurs through communication breakdown and negotiation of meaning where learners ask for clarification and confirming comprehension (Long 1983). Negotiation empowers learners to provide each other with comprehensible input, to have feedback on their contribution and to restructure utterances to make meaning clear. In addition, negotiation is found helpful in acquiring new vocabulary and encourage learners to bring their inter-language into line with target language (Pica 1997).
In researcher’s perspective interaction in order to learn English language is vital. No one can properly learn English language if he is not interacting with his classmates, teachers, family members and friends

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