Essay On Caffeine Withdrawal

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What are the symptoms of caffeine withdrawal?
Although many people forget that caffeine is a drug, there are real side effects from withdrawal. Within the first twenty-four hours without caffeine, headaches will kick in, lack of motivation, and feeling foggy. So what is going on in the brain during withdrawal? When the brain has now been chemically wired to handle large amounts of caffeine daily and then suddenly the caffeine is taken away, negative effects occur. Usually the more caffeine a person consumes, the more difficult and painful it can be to quit. Since the brain automatically creates new adenosine receptors to maintain the equilibrium in the brain, individuals will develop a tolerance to the caffeine and require more and more …show more content…

The placebo affect is when individuals are given a placebo and told it is a drug and the patient feels effects, concluding that the effects are just in the patients mind. In a study done Syracuse University tested a group of students focusing abilities on a caffeinated coffee versus decaffeinated coffee. The individuals who actually received caffeine did much better on the attention and focusing computer testing than all of the individuals that were given the placebo. Even though the individuals with the placebo performed poorly on the test, they had all reported feeling the effects of caffeine including feeling more alert and attentive …show more content…

According to the Health Research Fund 68 million Americans drink three cups of coffee every single day. Caffeine is so popular because of how easily it can be obtained, and how quick the effects are. Within minutes of consumption, caffeine is carried to every part of the body. Unlike many other drugs, caffeine is fat soluble it can easily pass through all cell membranes. There are physiological barriers that control what can go in and out of a cell but caffeine can easily bypass these. The most important effect of caffeine is on the central nervous system by crossing the blood-brain barrier; this is why it is considered a

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