Summary Of Java Man By Malcolm Gladwell Essay

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In the story “Java Man” by Malcolm Gladwell, he talks about how caffeine became what it is today. He starts off his essay by talking about caffeinated drinks. Then Gladwell goes into details talking about tea, soda, and coffee. Gladwell’ s main point in the essay was how caffeine affected our society. Gladwell breaks down the evolution of caffeine over the years. He also talks about coffee houses from the 18th century and how they gave birth to a new era of caffeine drinkers. In my opinion, Gladwell’s arguments and researches are very interesting. For someone to research the effects on the human body of caffeine and research what’s in coffee, tea and soda, and on how each vary from each other is very engaging, also he does a very good in supporting his arguments. Even though I do not drink coffee myself, I agree with him that caffeine can be considered a drug and that it greatly impacts our society today, but I also believe that caffeine can be considered a good thing and people shouldn’t …show more content…

Caffeine raises your blood pressure when you drink/eat it, raising your blood pressure in general is not a good thing but imagine drinking and/or eating caffeine daily, and your blood pressure constantly rising. Another negative aspect is that caffeine can have a disruptive effect on your sleep. The most obvious effect of the caffeine is that it can make it hard for you to fall asleep. It can help you stay awake during the day but can also make you stay awake during the night when you are trying to fall asleep. You can also have withdraws from caffeine, going back to the story “Java Man” the author Malcolm Gladwell considered it a drug and remember you can get addicted to drugs (you can really get addicted to anything). There are plenty more negative ways caffeine can disrupt your lifestyle but you know what they say for every negative thing you can say there can be some

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