Essay On Brownfield Development

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Critically examine the impacts of government regulation, land ownership and developer behavior on urban brownfield development processes.

Brownfield Urban development has been introduced around the globe as being the response to unsustainability and urban sprawl problems that have developed in the newer generation due to deindustrialisation. Brownfield was further pressed as a solution in the in the 1990’s and has since been fine-tuned by policies and plans around the world. The definition ranges from the opposite of Greenfield being basically pre-developed land to unusable contaminated land that has the potential to be reused after clean up. For the sake of the essay we shall use previously developed land, which encompassed contaminated land. Although policy aimed to combat the previous problems that arose from Greenfield development such as car dependent cities, unused inner city areas and general unsustainability, further problems arose from the unacceptability of such complex development. Government policies and Developer behavior tended to lack commitment and fell short of expected performance while ownership constraints caused significant down time within the development process, as explored within this paper.

Government Policy and Regulation is basically where the Brownfield development process begins, with a far more complex process apparent in Brownfield Development in comparison to Greenfield. Government has to look towards policy to further entice developers and promote a greater need for sustainable communities and energy efficiency from the US to the UK. The continuation of Greenfield sites mean increasingly under-utilised space in the inner city and urban sprawl, making the communities worse off in the long run. T...

... middle of paper ... their skill base to brownfield development without any kind of significant adjustment. Because of this the processes isn’t being entirely slowed down in such words but the intended effect it’s meant to have on society isn’t being recognised, as builders are just ignoring design in preference of cost efficiency. Land constraints however is most obviously just slowing down the development process and can’t really be avoided in the brownfield context. Because the land, to be brownfield, has to be previously developed, its harder to find inner-city land that arguably has no land constraints than to acquire greenfield on the outer periphery of the city. In conclusion land ownership it bluntly an unavoidable barrier in the development process of brownfield, however the developer behavior and government policy can be fine tuned as we become more aware of the drivers.

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