Essay On Breaking The Law

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My own answer to this question is that there are times when it is right to break the law. In this specific situation I am going through that light, especially if I believe my life is in danger. My justification for going through the light and breaking the law is based on two considerations: 1. the original intent of the lawmakers was not to stop everyone in all circumstances but to simply regulate the flow of traffic and avoid accidents. There would be no accident in this case since there are no other cars. Emergency vehicles go through lights regularly and are not held responsible for breaking the law. Obviously I am not an official emergency vehicle. But a woman in labor could go through the light and might even be able to get a police escort along the way. I believe that while I am breaking the letter of the law I am not necessarily breaking the spirit of the law since I am going through the light because of an emergency. 2. If I go through the light and end up saving my life as a result, I have effectively submitted myself to a higher law that trumps the law of the traffic light. I will now consider the various thinkers we have been reading to discover if they might agree or disagree with my decision to run the light. …show more content…

He believes that I have a responsibility to my society to uphold its laws, even if doing so would cause me personal harm. The moment I make the choice to get in the car and drive I am obligating myself to obey the traffic laws. Do I think that my health is more important than that of my fellow citizens? What if everyone began to disobey the traffic laws whenever they thought their needs or wants were more important than the safety of others? Surely the very fabric of society would begin to unravel! Do I think I am more important than society? Plato is shaking his head at my selfish and illogical decision. It does not make much sense to

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