Essay On Breaking Subculture

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Upon starting my research I posed the question: Has the breaking subculture been absorbed into mainstream culture? I thought that if I could answer this question it might help to understand why the breaking culture isn’t as well known as when it first started. This question would also answer if the subculture was just operating underground.
As we have learned throughout the semester most subcultures are seen as deviant. But in time it is these deviant subcultures that the mainstream monopolizes for a profit. The same can be said for the breaking subculture because it started out as a way for underprivileged black and latino youth to express themselves in a safer setting. Instead of fighting each other with their fist they left all their anger and discontent on the dance floor. Most youth at the time could have joined gangs and participated in illegal activity but they joined a crew instead and dance battled with their friends. They gained not only a creative outlet but a second family from joining the subculture.
While situations are not as dire as they used to be people in this subculture still get a second …show more content…

Metal who has been in the subculture for 15+ years mention a lot of the culture is word of mouth. He added that even though social media is aiding the process that it is still a problem. I found this interesting because this connected the breaking subculture with a lot of minority traditions. Word of mouth is how the slaves let each other know when Harriet Tubman was coming. Also, word of mouth, as well as teaching, is how generations of latinos continue to keep ties with their mother country even after living in America for so long. These connections are important because these are the people that created the subculture and some of their personal traditions still live within the culture even when it is practiced years later by a different

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