Essay On Black Marxism

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Black Marxism constitutes values that are directly in line with what African Americans and other progressive people of color require in the United States. The current capitalist society under Trump has systematically disadvantaged African Americans, immigrants, workers and the poor in the U.S.. People of color, workers, and immigrants have been seeking a system that does not contribute to the systematic racism, rising economic inequality, and the loss of beneficial public services; and Black Marxism is the ideology that can help build their ideal system. Donald Trump seeks to remove many public services such as housing assistance programs, affordable health care, and planned parenthood; while cutting minimum wage, and placing a ban on immigrants. Trump’s actions will likely affect every working class person within the U.S. border over the next four years. Black Marxism strives to created a united front that organizes people of …show more content…

system. However, Donald Trump and his administration explicitly states that immigrants are responsible for the high crime, and economic difficulties in the U.S. The working class of America needs a social movement that organizes among white progressives, and people of color including immigrants who have or will suffer from the systematic oppression of Donald Trump’s politics. Fighting for improved wages and conditions that benefit all worker within the U.S. borders; regardless of where they come from will in return improve the U.S. economy. Although, Donald Trump claims to be against capitalism his trickle down economic policies are associated directly with laissez-faire capitalism that favors the wealthy and privileged; while inflicting further hardship onto working class citizens. Black Marxist resistance has a long and legendary history that was built to fight the antics of leaders like Donald

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