Essay On Black Lives Matter

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The first amendment proposed by Thomas Jefferson became effective on Dec 15, 1791. It gives right to free speech, religion, press and petition. The freedom of speech gives citizens the right to speak their mind and is one of the most important freedoms granted to U.S. citizens. The Constitution is color blind. Skin color does not make any difference; it is racism which lies in the eyes of the beholder. Too often people empower an ordinary citizen to forget that people are to be treated alike. Lately there has been criticism over people who are exercising their rights to speak freely, more specifically, people who are part of the movement, Black LivesMatter. This movement has every right to express their feelings. The ways they are protesting …show more content…

They want people’s attention and they want people to pay concentration on police brutality rather than toshopping. Hundreds of protesters blocked store entrances and shut down traffic in Chicago's ritziest shopping district on Black Friday to draw attention to the 2014 police killing of a black teenager who was shot 16 times by a white officer. (Sara Burnett). They blocked the intersection and stoppedtraffic to express their anger overthe shooting of an innocentblack teenager by a white officer.They blocked the entrance of different stores because shopping is not necessarily as important as their concern over the killing of the people around the country by police. The protesters are carrying the pictures of black men who were brutally killed by police and they were asking to end such

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